Welcome to North Star Community Hall!

Time lapse photo of stars

After all the amazing participation from the community in several long email threads and quite a few Naming Committee meetings, the Board made a unanimous decision yesterday to re-name our historic gathering space North Star Community Hall. Member L.C. originally proposed this name, saying, “North Star signals following your north star, which for many people is an artistic … Read more

‘This Place in History’ TV Feature

Sylvia Holden

We had the great fortune recently to have a spot on a local TV station: we were highlighted and several members and a wonderful neighbor were interviewed for this segment. You can see the video here.

North Star Community Hall Board of Directors & Elections

Board of Directors graphic

Interested in getting involved, but not as a Board member? Join a Committee! Hello everyone! At our annual meetings, we welcome new board members and thank those who have stepped back. A lot of work remains, and there are ongoing tasks. For all of these, we can use the help. If you would like to … Read more